
Built With Scriptcase
built with scriptcase


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Built With Scriptcase Code And Social

Scriptcase allows users to write PHP to handle exceptions and create more complex validation).Scriptcase is Compatible with RTL (Right to Left) writing, support right to left writing prevalent on Arabic languages. Complex SQL statements can be used ( sub-select, joins and even stored procedures). Scriptcase lets you create forms, queries in PHP, ranging from simple forms to forms having high level of complex elements to manipulate data from databases ( MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Interbase, Firebird, Access, Oracle, MS SQLServer, DB2, SyBase, Informix and ODBC connections).It permits development with JavaScript methods that can be used within the AJAX events and create applications with AJAX through a set of features and services with easy and fast hand coding, such as navigation between pages or sections, automatic validation of fields such as date, currency, zip code and social security number, among others.The generated reports can be exported to MS Word, MS Excel, PDF or printed. It also enables to add custom code to manage business rules and validation. Website, Location, Sales Revenue, Tech Spend, Traffic.Scriptcase can be used to create CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) applications. Download a list of all 45 Current Scriptcase Customers.

built with scriptcase

Was sold only for some customers in beta mode. 1.0 - Released 2000 - "Fossil Version". Since then, the tool has received periodic updates and improvements.

Form: New field formatting, tabs, validation, among others. Focused on editing and field types, creating the option "edit fields" New implementations such as JQuery support

In addition, there is a new graphic application, added to simplify the creation of such applications. For that, we made some major changes on the Grid Application, such as the option for your end-users to create their own Group By within the application based on the fields defined by the developer, add totals and create their own graphics. Graphics with navigation on the ToolbarScriptcase consolidation as one of the strongest tools of BI (Business Intelligence), migrating some features that help the end-user to make decisions.

Support for the TCPDF class in the application Report PDF Responsiveness to form and make the menu of mobile web applications New interface for settings on applications such as Form and grid A tool to import ACCESS, CSV and XLS in MySQL database, SQLite, Postgre and MSSQL Interface to message between Scriptcase users

built with scriptcase

Added new parameters in the theme editor Refined Filter Added new configuration interface of the form and Query applications New security module with listing of logged users and blocking by Brute Force Tool for importing ACCESS, CSV and XLS for MySQL, Postgre, SQLite and MSSQL Tool for creating to-do list among users New tool for managing images in Scriptcase

Added TCPDF class support in the implementation Report PDF Implemented mobile applications responsiveness form Added option to background image in advanced settings for Menu theme Added new parameters in the theme editor to the navigation path of the Menu

Added new field for accumulation of values of other fields Comes with important implementations on Business Intelligence (with a complete redesign on the charts, grids, abstracts – Pivot Tables and Dashboards), significant improvements in security, PDF Report module, Menu, interface redesign development and improvement of performance with PHP7, among other implementations. Added new aggregation of type "weighted average" Added macros sc_url_library () and sc_include_library () Added new path (breadcrumb) menu application browsing Implemented improvements in the implementation timetable Grouping of option buttons in applications that have toolbar

Inclusion of a new type of filter (user filter) Possibility of an analytic and synthetic combination of different sizes in the same graph A new dimension of options for date fields

Possibility to export the graphs in PNG, JGP, PDF, SVG, and XLS New customization options specific to the graphics bar, column, pie, and gauge New types of graphics: scatter and bubble, Gantt, semicircular and linear, funnel 2D and pyramid 2D

New interface using drag and drop for defining the Grid breaks and the abstract Application of Grids (Reports and Pivot Tables) New index widget to the presentation of KPIs (key performance indicators) within the dashboard Responsiveness in the presentation of the widgets in the Dashboard

Allows integration of forms with customized HTML and CSS or imported in the form of external library New configuration options within the aggregation of the summary Function can be used to rank the values. Inclusion of function LIMIT in the query and in the summary. Inclusion of a new filter to the summary (user filter) New dimension of options for date fields

New interface for creating application with multiple selection of tables, etc. New interface for creating projects with search option Great part of Scriptcase interface has been modified, thereby improving the usability of the tool for developers New option "menu structure" for customization of menu layout New option of drawing with drag drop and dynamic configuration of & fields within the same interface

Built With Scriptcase Password Login Application

Security module Integration with the new option of free-form control with responsive templates. New options for the encryption password login application field (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512) Option to login with Google, Facebook and Twitter automatically by the safety module Addition of the new MySQLi for MySQL connections drive Addition of the PDO Dlib drive for SQL Server

built with scriptcase